Baboons team up against leopards to rescue their captured baby from the clutches of death

The clip of the leopard’s impressive hunting situation was recorded by a tour guide at the Kruger Nature Reserve, South Africa, showing the moment a group of baboons were playing when suddenly a leopard appeared. hiding in the bushes along the road, rushed out and attacked a monkey in the group.

The leopard was very patient and waited in the bush, choosing the right prey to attack. If a leopard attacks a large baboon, the leopard may be resisted by the prey and the chance of finishing the prey is not high.

Leopard Pulls Off Perfect Ambush on Baboon - But they Fight Back

After defeating the baboon, the leopard let the prey go somewhere else before slowly enjoying the meal. However, the leopard could not believe that it did not have any opportunity to enjoy the spoils of the hunt.

Accordingly, when discovering that a member of the herd had been attacked and bitten to death by a leopard, the group of baboons immediately chased and surrounded the leopard to avenge their fellow animals.

Leopard Pulls Off Perfect Ambush on Baboon - But they Fight Back

Initially, leopards tried to intimidate the baboons to try to retain their prey. But when they realized that the group of baboons refused to retreat and had superior numbers, the leopards had to accept leaving their prey and running away. If you recklessly start a fight, the leopard will have no chance to defeat the large and aggressive group of baboons.

The efforts of the group of baboons were not enough to save their fellow animals, as the unfortunate monkey had been bitten to death by a leopard. Even so, the monkeys took revenge and chased away the predator. The body of the unfortunate monkey will eventually be torn apart by other natural predators such as hyenas or vultures.