Zebras painfully face imminent death on the river of death of the swamp king during the final migration

On the fast-flowing river, a fierce battle between a herd of ferocious crocodiles and a herd of zebras is taking place. On one side are giant crocodiles, with tough skin scales and sharp fangs, acting as fearsome predators.

On the other side is a herd of zebras trying to cross the raging river, and a pack of crocodiles risking their lives to attack. Everything became chaotic, the sound of splashing water and flapping wings echoed throughout the sky.

The crocodiles raced against the zebras, targeting the weak foxes and trying to bite the horses’ legs to knock them down. Zebras use their strength and flexibility to repel crocodiles.

Powerful kicks from strong legs and determined head clashes made the crocodiles retreat. The zebra was surrounded by a large herd of crocodiles, who continuously attacked its flesh, causing it pain and gradually losing its ability to fight.

In the end, it was a sad ending for the zebra when it was torn to pieces by a herd of crocodiles in the middle of the deep riverbed.
