Suddenly awakened from a beautiful dream, the leopard almost became a feast for the hungry lions to enjoy

The leopard, which is about 2 meters long and weighs 30 to 90 kg when fully grown, is famous for its excellent camouflage skills, endurance and ability to climb. It is no wonder that according to statistics, the leopard’s hunting success rate is the highest among big cats, and that makes lions wary of the leopard.

The lion, the king of the jungle, is not only famous for being a fearsome predator but also a symbol of power, with the “right to life and death” over other predators. Also because of its deep hatred, if the leopard is unfortunately surprised, it can receive cruel punishment from the lion at any time.

Lions Trap and Attack Old Leopard

On a hot day, a leopard was resting on a cliff, not expecting that an old lion’s eyes caught it. The leopard, having just had a feast of meat, just wanted to find a quiet corner to take a deep sleep, completely unaware of the danger that was approaching.

While the leopard was still sleeping soundly, the danger gradually approached. When it was close enough, the lion decided to attack. With all its strength and agility, it rushed like a fierce storm, determined to kill its prey. However, the steep and slippery terrain caused the lion to lose its balance.

Lions Trap and Attack Old Leopard

With a breakaway speed of up to 60 km/h, the old lion knew that catching up with the leopard in this situation was an extremely difficult task, and the opportunity to hunt seemed to be slipping away from its grasp.