Two hyenas engage in a brutal fight with one trying to drown the rival

In this breathtaking video, two hyenas can be seen snarling at one another. After gaining the upper hand, one hyena is seen attempting to drown the other one. Vicky Stephenson, a 29-year-old field guide and camp manager, captured the confrontation on camera.

She said they hastily left to investigate the weird hyena noises as soon as they heard them. The river was the sᴄᴇɴᴇ of a ғɪɢʜᴛ between two hyenas. While the other was in charge, the one in power was making an effort to conceal.

Since none of them had ever witnessed a hyena war so vicious, they were all in disbelief. It was awful to watch because the hyena being struck had already suffered severe wounds and looked weary and in excruciating pain. They had never seen anything like that before, but even though they were field guides, they were compelled to observe because it was so interesting.

After roughly two hours of intermittent ғɪɢʜᴛing, they observed the original dominant and two other hyenas approaching the injured animal. When they realized the hyena wouldn’t make it through the final struggle, they made the decision to leave it alone. They later discovered from the office that the hyena was ᴋɪʟʟed after they left.

Let’s watch the video: