This Rock Python caught this female Impala and was suffocating it to death.

Like most snakes, pythons do not chase their prey. Instead, they were ambush hunters. They use thermal, visual and olfactory sensors to locate their prey.

This python is trying to kill an antelope. It kills the antelope by squeezing, grabbing the victim with its sharp teeth, the python uses the momentum of its attack to throw coils around the antelope’s body, coiling their body around the animal and squeezing. tight until it suffocated. Every time the prey exhales, the python squeezes a little tighter, and soon the antelope can’t breathe anymore. Meanwhile, the antelope struggled to gasp for the last seconds of its life.

In the end, the python, whose body is much smaller than the antelope, will swallow the entire antelope in its stomach. Hopefully the python won’t get ripped apart.