The war between the leopard and the “terrible” African rock python only ends when one of the two animals “collapses”…

Spotting an African rock python crawling on the ground, the leopard immediately approached to find a meal. However, with the large size and strength of the African rock python, it is not easy for the leopard to take down its prey.

Python Constricts Leopard As It Fights Back

A battle for survival took place between the two animals. For a moment, it seemed that the African rock python had won when it bit the leopard’s front leg and began to curl around the leopard’s body to make it suffocate.

However, thanks to agility and dexterity, the leopard was able to escape the dangerous situation and bite back into the python’s neck.

Python has its skull crushed by a leopard it tried to attack | Daily Mail  Online

In the end, the African rock python was defeated with multiple bites on its body, especially the head, while the leopard also suffered a serious wound to its front leg after being bitten by the python. , causing the leopard to then limp.