The shapeshifting horse warrior takes down the gray wolves one by one with thunderous kicks at them, teaching them a lesson in how to survive in the savanna

Gray wolves are animals with a social lifestyle, they often live in groups, the leader wolf has the ultimate power, all other wolves must obey its orders when living in the pack or while hunting. bait.

As superior predators, gray wolves are an integral part of the ecosystem in which they live. Gray wolves live in areas: forests, deserts, mountains, tundra, taiga, and savannahs and even cold snowy regions.

Ancient wolves shifted diet away from horses in successful survival strategy -

Horses are powerful and dangerous prey of wolves and most of the time they are threatened by wolves when they are alone. Wolves prefer older or younger horses, they try to avoid healthy horses because wolves run the risk of being injured or even killed by stallions.

A pack of wolves surrounded and attacked a herd of horses that were moving in search of food, they targeted the newly mature ponies with weak fighting strength to easily defeat their prey.

Surrounded By Wolves Intending To Attack, What Wild Horse Gonna Do? - YouTube

They attack from the back, bite on the muzzle and try to pull to reduce the horse’s fighting strength, leaving it gradually exhausted to deliver the finishing blow.

But too unlucky for the wolves, when they encountered a horse with extraordinary fighting strength, it unleashed thunderous kicks that took down the wolves one by one and made them panic and had to flee in pain.