The poor lion cub was carried up a tree by a leopard before being eaten.

The story was filmed by tourist Scott Hyman during a tour at Ruaha National Park, the largest in Tanzanica.

During his journey to discover the wild nature here, the Canadian lawyer happened to come across an adult leopard hunting, so he decided to follow the animal.

After more than an hour of chasing, the leopard suddenly stopped and looked pensive, waiting for something. It turned out that nearby a family of lions including the mother lion and her cubs were looking for a place to stay. It didn’t take long for the mother lion to take her cubs into the nearby bush to rest.

The leopard patiently lay still in a corner waiting for an opportunity. When the mother lion left her hiding place, she rushed straight into the bushes and rushed out with a small lion in her mouth.

As a precaution, the leopard then carried the cub up the tree and then began to eat.