The old buffalo fought alone with a herd of hungry lions and was fortunately rescued by the whole herd a few seconds before falling before the claws of death

As a superior predator in the wild, known as the king of all species, lions do not always have an advantage when hunting, sometimes the hunter even has to pay a high price. his own life. The African buffalo is one of the five largest animals in Africa.

An adult buffalo can weigh from 500 kg to 1,000 kg. Despite such a large body, wild buffalo is still a frequent prey of lions. That’s because lions are herd hunters. Because they operate in large numbers, a group of lions can easily destroy large prey such as giraffes, buffaloes, or hippos,…

But the thing is that’s not always true. In the clip, we can see that when the ball is pushed too hard, the wild buffalo becomes extremely ferocious and fights back fiercely.

At this time, with a strong body and a powerful weapon, its sharp horns, the wild buffalo is ready to gore any animal that intentionally threatens its life.

Very quickly, the other buffaloes in the herd realized the danger and quickly came and chased the lions away. The buffalo that was attacked also saved its life thanks to its fellow species.