The mother giraffe continuously throws powerful kicks at the hyena herd to protect the baby deer safely from bloodthirsty predators

Giraffe is a special animal, recorded as the tallest mammal in the world thanks to its long legs and tall neck. Although they only drink water every few days, when they move to a water source, they often have to kneel, crouch and bend their necks, which makes giraffes vulnerable to predators like lions. death, newspaper…

The video captures the scene of a giraffe mother trying to protect a newborn baby deer in the Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Specifically, a pack of hyenas is tearing apart the carcass of a baby giraffe in the presence of a mother deer.

Witnessing this scene, the mother giraffe continuously threatened and chased away the hyenas to protect the baby’s corpse. The mother also bows her head to show her affection for the dead baby deer.

Despite all the efforts of the mother giraffe, the hyenas are still able to steal the baby’s carcass to eat.

However, not long after that, a male lion appeared to chase away the hyenas and enjoy the carcasses, before the vultures finished “cleaning up” what was left.

The clip of the mother giraffe’s actions after being posted on social networks has touched many netizens.