The mother antelope looked in despair at her child’s body under the sharp claws of the cruel eagle

A tragic and dramatic scene takes place on top of a cliff. A ferocious eagle is using its sharp claws to control a weak young antelope, while the mother gazelle watches from afar in despair.

The eagle, with its vast wings and majestic plumage, clearly shows its power and malice. It bent down, its sharp beak touching the young antelope’s weak body, as a sign of victory. The young antelope, tied to the eagle’s nest, no longer had the strength to resist, lying motionless, only able to endure his cruel fate.

How Eagle Attack Baby Gazelle - YouTube

Besides, on the top of the cliff, the mother antelope was standing and looking, her eyes filled with pain and helplessness. Its slender legs trembled, as if it wanted to rush in to save its child but couldn’t. On its body, a deep wound showed that it had also gone through a fierce battle before, but could not protect its children.

This scene not only shows the cruelty of nature but also demonstrates the deep love of mother and mother. The mother antelope, even though she knew she couldn’t do anything to change the situation, still couldn’t take her eyes off her child, her heart was in extreme pain. In despair, he looked towards his child, as a final farewell.

Watch: Gazelle faces off with Africa's biggest eagle in attempt to save its baby | Predator vs Prey | Earth Touch News

This fight, although unequal, is part of wild life. Every animal has to fight to survive, and sometimes, life and death are just a hair’s breadth away. This painting captures that tragic and dramatic moment, making viewers moved by the harshness of nature and the sacred love of motherhood.