The monkey took his last painful breath in the python’s death grip and under the witness of his fellow humans

The battle between monkey and python is a dramatic and terrifying natural confrontation. Monkey, with the ability to climb and move flexibly in the tropical forest environment, is an intelligent and cunning animal.

They are able to use tools and find new ways to deal with difficult situations. Monkeys also have the ability to cooperate in groups, creating an incredible power.

With its supple body and constricting ability, the python is a vast and fearsome snake. They can wrap their bodies tightly around their prey and use their strength to squeeze it to death. Pythons also have the ability to stalk and wait for the right moment to attack.

When monkeys and pythons confront, the fight becomes tense and dangerous. Monkeys use their intelligence and flexibility to find ways to avoid and attack pythons from different angles. They can use tree branches, rocks, or various materials to create makeshift weapons and fight pythons.

Pythons, meanwhile, use their flexible bodies and constriction abilities to try to capture and destroy monkeys. They try to wrap themselves tightly around the monkey and use their strength to squeeze, hoping to defeat their opponent.

In the end, the strong are the winners. The poor monkey fell into the python’s belly under the heartbreaking witness of many other monkeys.