The lord of the jungle was tortured to the point of exhaustion! Super wildebeest warrior alone defeats hungry lion to miraculously escape death

Specifically, a lioness ambushed by the Mara River to hunt wildebeest crossing the river. However, the target it chooses is not medium. After being chased by a hunter, a wildebeest in the herd made an unbelievable act.

Instead of continuing to run away, the antelope suddenly rushed to rammed the lion’s hip and pursued fiercely. In the end, the lion had to give up and quickly leave.

Wildebeest is a special animal because of its strange shape, combining the head and horns of a cow, a horse’s tail with a highlight of a long black plumage.

Wildebeest often live in large herds, in many cases they even pair with zebra herds to create a strong community, thereby reducing the risk of being hunted by predators.

According to the statistics of zoologists, the success rate of survival from birth to adulthood of wildebeest is very low. In reality, however, wildebeest is not an easily subdued opponent.