The lion went crazy on a unique culinary adventure when he met a poor hippo lying on his back, straining to sunbathe because he was drowning

The hippo, swollen like a balloon, hovered ominously in the river, drawing the attention of a hungry lion. Audacious and eager, the lion tried to pierce the hippo’s belly, hoping for an easy feast. But as fate would have it, the hippo’s body was a ticking bomb.

It all started with the ancient hippo’s bloated corpse, an unappetizing sight in the water. Its round belly acted as a natural deterrent, even keeping the most indiscriminate of predators at bay. However, it soon drifted towards a group of lions, much to their delight and hunger.

Dead Hippo Shoots at Lions

The lions, unprepared to deal with the challenge of hauling the hefty hippo ashore, hesitated to approach. Fear of lurking crocodiles added to their caution. Suddenly, the hippo’s corpse positioned itself directly in front of the lions, as if guided by GPS.

One brave lion attempted to drag it to shore but found its belly too slippery. Just as the lion was about to feast, the hippo’s belly slipped back into the water, sparing the lion from a potential explosion.

Resigned to their fate, the lions pushed the hippo back into the water, allowing it to float downstream. As expected, it got stuck on a shallow shoal, downstream. The lionesses, leading the pride, approached cautiously to prevent a catastrophe. But the Lion King, blinded by hunger, couldn’t resist the temptation of snails in the water.

Dead Hippo Shoots at Lions

Observing the swollen hippo, the lionesses proceeded gingerly, aware that even a casual glance might trigger an explosion. The mother lion climbed onto the hippo’s belly intending to feast, but a sound from the water startled them, causing a retreat.

The gas leaking from the hippo’s screws didn’t deter a reckless male lion from approaching. To everyone’s surprise, the male lion was instantly overwhelmed by a facial explosion. Shocked and overpowered by the smell, he staggered back.

Even the curious lioness, attempting to approach, was temporarily stunned by the hippo’s defensive blast. The pungent odor lingered, even reaching as far as Hunan.