The lion was about to take the baby hippo’s life, but its mother wouldn’t allow that bad thing to happen

The hippopotamus is a large herbivorous mammal that lives in sub Saharan Africa, and is considered one of the most aggressive and dangerous animals in Africa as well as in the world.

With teeth comparable in strength to a large sledgehammer, it could crush fearsome predators in the savanna. But young hippos that do not yet have that strength often become prey for lions to attack.

The mother hippo with its cubs was walking around the lake, suddenly a lion attacked and the baby hippo ran away when it was far away from its mother’s position.

The mother hippo turned around and saw her son being attacked a long way away, immediately chased and attacked the lion to save her baby.

The peacock hippo cub ran for a while then stopped to take a fatal bite that killed the baby hippo, but the mother hippo was in time to rush over and rammed the lion repeatedly causing it to suffer a lot of pain.

The mother hippo took her baby back and protected it from the lion’s attack. In the end, the lions had to retreat and leave the mother hippo and her cubs in peace in the area.