The lion had to be hospitalized urgently to have his jaw sewn up because he dared to look down on his small opponent but not as easily bullied as a pangolin

Pangolins are about the size of domestic animals and have no weapons against large predators. When threatened, their self-defense tactic is to curl up tightly into a ball so that the hard scales cover their entire body and wait for the frustrated predator to give up.

The pangolin’s stacked scales are made of horny substance, a tough protein found in rhino horns and fingernails. This armor can resist the strongest bites, turning pangolins into difficult prey.

Lions try to chew on an armour-plated Pangolin in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania | Daily Mail Online

But young pangolins have softer scales than adult pangolins, making them particularly vulnerable to predation. Often become the target of attacks by predators, especially lions.

Two lions are trying to break through the rock hard scales of a pangolin, they are scratching and biting to find the gap with their sharp claws.

Lions try to chew on an armour-plated Pangolin in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania | Daily Mail Online

The lion’s efforts to forage seemed futile, after trying to lick through the shell, the lioness asked her companion to help rhyme her prey to find another way to attack.

The pair of lions eventually gave up and ignored their prey, but they were able to come back a second time.