The king of the swamp showed his strength in front of the forest elephants, mercilessly impaled by sharp tusks

Crocodiles are one of those cold blooded predators, with sharp, powerful teeth that make them extremely terrifying when fighting in water and on land. But it is also a bit difficult when they confront a large, strong prey like a wild elephant.

A crocodile is hiding in the water right near the area where 3 elephants are drinking, it quickly closes to the target and rushes to take a strong bite on the trunk of an elephant.

The suddenly caught elephant did not have time to react, it tried to calm down and used the strength of its trunk to swing to the sides to be able to get out of the crocodile’s jaws.

Unable to escape from the crocodile’s deep and powerful bite, the elephant tried to plunge into deeper water to use his sharp tusks to attack and stab the crocodile.

Although it caused a pretty serious wound in the trunk of the elephant, the crocodile could not launch another attack before the terrible power of the elephant.

Get another fatal blow from the sharp tusks of the elephant, causing the crocodile to be stunned, in pain and have to leave quickly. The elephant with fighting strength and cunning intelligence taught the crocodile a life-long lesson.