The intelligence of the Warthog made the elopard’s plan to rob the Piglets fail

Referring to the leopard, the first impression of most people is that it is a superior predator with intelligence and the ability to move flexibly.

In fact, among the four largest species in the cat family (tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard), although the leopard is the species with the lowest strength index, it ranks first in terms of percentage. success rate when hunting.

Leopars can run more than 60 km/h, leap more than 6 m horizontally and jump 3 m high, can dive down to prey from tree branches and it can also hide in a layer Amazing camouflage.

Although the body is not as large as a lion or tiger, the leopard is endowed with agility and cunning that is unmatched by any other animal. Many experienced hunters estimate that if the size of a leopard is as big as a lion, it will be 10 times more dangerous than a lion.

Yet the skilled hunter could not pursue a prey with a “strange” barrel-shaped body with a large, broad head dotted with large humps and gave himself the name that if the People who hear them for the first time will think they are very slow.

During a trip to Kruger National Park, South Africa, mechanical engineer Jan-Louis Human and a group of friends were fortunate to witness the whole thing.

On that Monday afternoon, the weather was wonderful, and Mr. Jan-Louis’ group of friends was driving leisurely to look for a suitable place to watch the “sunset doesn’t fine” when suddenly attracted by the howls of a squirrel. The sound of the small animal made everyone in the car think of some predatory animal that might be lurking around.

With the mentality of explorers, the group could not miss the upcoming exciting experience, so they split up to search.

Jan-Louis Human’s companion, Moosa Varachia, a tour guide, quickly spotted a leopard resting on a nearby tree. The whole group of guests agreed to pause their trip, stopping at this place to be able to admire a close-up of a predator with enchanting beauty.

Suddenly, from a distance, a family of warthogs appeared out of nowhere on the road. This not only attracted the people there, but also the leopard raised its head to observe the strange family’s every movement.

The group of tourists was even more excited when they saw the leopard slowly crawling down the ground, hiding in the tall grass to prepare for a dramatic hunt.

The humpback family at this time still carelessly approached the leopard’s hiding place, unaware of the lurking danger. When the distance is just enough, the leopard decides to attack. With the speed of a Formula 1 racing car, the leopard jumped straight into the herd of humped pigs, causing them to flee.

The miracle is that after a while of chasing, the leopard could not catch any humped pigs in the herd. In the end, both the prey and the predator disappeared behind the grass, returning a peaceful atmosphere to the place.