The gutted zebra still tried to escape from the fierce pursuit of the cheetah and a miracle happened

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal in the world. They can accelerate from 0 – 100 km/h in just about three seconds. Cheetahs live mainly in Africa and the Middle East.

They often look for small to medium-sized prey such as rabbits, antelopes, young wildebeest, and sometimes zebras and buffalo.

A cheetah was waiting for its prey to pass by under a thick bush and then its patience paid off. A herd of zebras ran past the place where it ambushed. The cheetah left its original position and rushed towards the zebra herd.

However, the zebras were running with great enthusiasm. The cheetahs began to act when they saw a female zebra with her calf approaching. The predators spread out and confused the zebra herd.

The first attempt failed because only one leopard chased its prey. The second time, the leopards joined in and finally took down the little zebra. They enjoy a delicious meal in the grasslands after a hard hunt.
