The giant python thought he was the winner, but in the end he died painfully at the hands of the lizard

Giant monitor lizards often live in canals and ponds, in humid climates. They eat fish, snakes, frogs as well as leftover food left by humans. Their bite is mildly venomous, sometimes carries harmful bacteria, and can become aggressive when threatened.

In the video, a monitor lizard and a large python are shown biting each other on the ground. During 20 minutes, the monitor lizard attacked fiercely and bit off many parts of the python’s body.

Squeezed by the python, the monitor lizard counterattacked by biting its opponent’s head and then throwing it away. The python tried to find a way to wrap itself around the lizard to control it.

Even though it was almost squeezed, the monitor lizard still tried to attack and caused many injuries to its opponent. Instead of lying still and letting its opponent bite it, the python then “counterattacked” by biting the lizard straight in the face.

However, the lizard then “turned” the situation by biting straight into the head and not giving the python a chance to protest. In the end, the python died miserably at the hands of the monitor lizard.
