The giant elephant collapsed before the terrible power of the big horns of the leading buffalo, almost sending the troublemaker to hell

Buffalo is considered one of the most aggressive animals in nature and is especially dangerous when provoked or attacked by other predators.

But there are also rare cases, when an elephant has made a herd of wild buffalo mad by daring to provoke them.

Resting on the green grass, the buffalo herd was suddenly attacked by the elephant and teased with its trunk. Not wanting to fight, this wild buffalo quietly turned its head away.

When the opponent did not pay attention to him, the elephant went to another buffalo lying at rest to continue teasing.

Breaking sleep, buffalo immediately “crazy”, rushing to use horns to ram the opponent’s hind legs to warn. At this time, the big elephant only knew how to run around without daring to look back.

Visitors who see this sight must also laugh because this scene is so funny and extremely rare in nature.