The ferocious eagle uses its trademark hard beak and sharp claws to tear apart poisonous snakes to protect its babies about to be born

The fierce battle between the ferocious Eagle and the cruel Snake began when the dawn had just broken. The eagle, the gentle mother of precious eggs, is lying quietly on the nest, looking intently down into the deep forests.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and the poisonous snake appeared like a haunting presence. It moves its loyal snakes, ready to attack the priceless eggs. Eagles quickly perceive threats and convey warning gestures.

EAGLE VS SNAKE - Eagle's characteristic - Snake is detected in about 1 mile  - YouTube

Incredible surprise and power. The two enemies are alert but have no choice. The eagle is ready to face it, strong and courageous. Solid, flexible and dangerous. The fight began, blows poured in, sounds rent the air.

The Eagle’s sharp beak bit tightly on the snake’s body, dominance constantly shifting between the two predators. The snake responds with violent twists, each attempting to kill and devour the enemy. Fresh red snake blood gradually cools.

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Eagle, mighty but cannot depend on strength. Her love for her eggs and her steadfastness against all aggression propel her to overcome the harshness and dominate the battlefield. The snake must eventually realize its defeat and slide down the abyss.

At this bloody war, the Eagle emerged victorious, defending his eggs with indescribable courage and strength.