The ferocious buffalo used its sharp horns to butcher 4 lions into hell to avenge the previous tragic death of his wife

The African buffalo is one of the largest and most widespread herbivores in Africa. They often live in groups in swamps and wetlands, as well as mopane grasslands or wild forests in the great mountains of Africa.

As one of the five large mammals in Africa, the African buffalo is often referred to as the “Black Death” or “Widowmaker” (dangerous animal), and is considered a very powerful animal. dangerous, as they feed on blood and kill more than 200 people a year than any other animal, although similar claims are made for hippos and crocodiles.

In the distance, 4 lions were resting after their previous hearty meal when a large African Buffalo was hiding behind a tall bush waiting for a chance to avenge his comrade who had become the lion’s meal first. there.

It rushed to attack the lions, causing them to panic and run away, although the buffalo continuously rammed and attacked, but they all dodged.

It seems that the buffalo is quite angry and aggressive, the lions have just eaten so they can only dodge the continuous attacks of the mad buffalo.

And then for a while, the buffalo was angry because he had not avenged his teammates, so he left in anger.

The fearsome hunter on the steppe is scared and runs away from the ferocious prey to avenge his comrades. The buffalo has shown that it can also ambush and attack its pursuers to escape.