The crocodile hunted the baby elephant in front of the mother elephant and was almost dissolved in the water by the mother.

Crocodiles are a large and aquatic reptile. They are found in many areas of the world, including Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia.

Crocodiles have a large body, can reach more than 6 meters in length and weigh up to hundreds of kilograms. They have a long snout and sharp teeth that help them hunt underwater. In addition, crocodiles also have protective scales and help them easily float on the water.

Crocodiles are associated with deadly hunting moments, and elephants can also become crocodiles’ meals.

Crocodiles hide in the water and wait for prey to appear, mother elephants and baby elephants get close to the water hole and great opportunity for crocodiles to attack. The baby elephant is frolicking in the water and doesn’t know the danger is coming.

The crocodile attacked the baby elephant and was quickly discovered by the mother, the mother got angry and took measures to punish the crocodile. Crocodiles start to get scared and hide in the water.

The crocodile finally escaped from the deadly puddle and ran away quickly.
