The cheetah has super speed, killing wildebeest twice its size in the blink of an eye

With the ability to accelerate from 0 to 96 km / h in less than 3 seconds, the cheetah approached the wildebeest before they could recognize it. This makes it easier for the “big cat” to catch the prey to help it and its children have a hearty meal.

When the leopards suddenly rushed in, the wildebeest ran away, one unfortunate individual was targeted by leopards to pursue. Immediately after catching up with the prey, with a very quick and decisive movement, the leopard was able to bite into the throat of the antelope.

Despite struggling to escape, being bitten by the leopard in the throat caused the antelope to quickly lose strength, finally giving up and becoming a meal for the leopard.

The clip of the moment the leopard defeats the wildebeest, with its twice the size of its body, has made many people admire the hunting ability of this leopard.