The brocade shed blood in a terrifying battle with the komodo dragon. Mother python sacrificed to protect her child but failed

A brocade python was about to leave the cave in search of food for lunch when suddenly, a nearby komodo dragon sniffed the situation. The komodo dragon quietly watched and waited for an opportunity. After a while, when the python had left the area, the komodo dragon immediately approached quickly and burrowed into the nest, eating all the eggs left by the python mother.

Right at this moment, the mother python returned, seeing the horrifying scene in front of her, it frantically rushed to life and death with the enemy. However, its opponent this time is the komodo dragon and not other amateurs. So, despite trying very hard, but after a fight, the one who had to give up his life was the mother python. It was gripped by the komodo dragon, bitten its head, and tossed it to its last breath.

What a pity for the fate of the once lord.