The brave wild buffalo rushed in to defeat the bloodthirsty lions to save the poor wild boars that were about to be killed

Witnessing a herd of lions grabbing a humped boar, the wild buffalo suddenly came forward and took a sudden action.

YouTube channel Maasai Sightings recently posted a short video recording a scene of lions at Kgalagadi Nature Reserve (South Africa) successfully knocking down a hump and preparing to eat their meal.

However, an unexpected thing happened when a herd of wild buffaloes nearby appeared and came to the rescue.

Despite being overwhelmed by the majority, as well as witnessing the danger of the bloodthirsty lions, the buffalo was not afraid, but rushed forward, despite the fact that the victim was not a fellow. of them.

This action of the buffalo made the observers extremely surprised, because everyone thought that buffalo were inherently gentle, and only defended themselves when they were attacked.

As a result, despite the large number, the lions still did not dare to resist the strong buffaloes, but only knew how to quickly run away.

However, the sad thing is that despite being rescued by a wild buffalo, the ill-fated humped pig was unable to get up to run away due to a fatal wound.