The brave buffalo used its sharp horns to pin the female lion to the tree trunk so that the whole herd could admire the terrible strength of its determination

In the clip, a lone buffalo was surrounded by dozens of lions, then they jumped on the buffalo and attacked fiercely.

Despite being outnumbered, the wise buffaloes decided to surrender and counterattacked fiercely. Faced with the powerful attack of the herd, the lions were also cautious.

Buffalo fights off three lions in Kenya safari attack

In order to defeat the buffalo, they decided to focus on attacking their buffalo’s tail. However, even though part of its body was lost, the male buffalo was not easily thrown to the ground.

After struggling until they were exhausted, some lions could only stand still and watch their fellow lions attack.


It seemed that the fight was about to end when the buffalo suddenly gored a female lion into the air and had an extremely unbelievable gore.

Lions always hunt smaller animals like wildebeest because they are easier to catch, but if the pride is large enough, they can hunt larger animals like buffalo. However, the success rate is very low because buffalo are usually heavier and stronger than lions.