The antelope chooses famous chefs from the battle between hyenas, leopards and crocodiles to become the ultimate winner

The wild world is always full of surprises and you never know which animal will survive. Only when the angel of death appears will everything be arranged.

The most troublesome war in the wild world just happened, 4 animals participated in the fight and only one person won.

It starts with a leopard excitedly preparing a meal from a young antelope and nearby is the appearance of hyenas and crocodiles.

The mother antelope ran away to save her life and temporarily forgot about her child. The hyena was the first to rush in to snatch the young antelope from the leopard’s mouth.

The leopard still held out hope of stealing back the food, but when the crocodile appeared everything was destroyed.

2 crocodiles rushed to the party and ignored everything. The hyena was also not afraid of the crocodile and continued to eat and drink.

But then the greedy crocodile took all the meal and left in the hyena’s anger.
