The 10m-long giant python was helpless in front of the crocodile’s jaw when it was bitten stomach puncture by the crocodile

The spectacular scene of a one-on-one battle between the two most terrible nightmares is the giant python and the killer crocodile.
Pythons and crocodiles are inherent enemies, there are always wars when they encounter each other.
Crocodiles are large and are known as swamp killers, but often fail when confronting pythons. In many cases, the crocodile was defeated and swallowed by the python.

But in this case, luck went to the crocodile. The swamp killer continuously attacked, biting directly into the python.
The python is still trying to curl up around the crocodile and try to squeeze the prey to stop breathing.

However, this time the python became the crocodile’s delicious bait. There have also been a few times when crocodiles won against pythons, but those scenes are relatively rare.
Because it was a life-and-death battle, both monsters unleashed their killing techniques to knock the opponent down. One side is a cold-blooded killer, the other is a fierce underwater god, so the battle between them is extremely fierce, sometimes indecisive.