The сruel lion took the life of the baby hippo, so he раіd the price by having his һeаd rіррed off

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A naive baby hippo left the herd, wandering and playing along the riverbank, unaware that a pride of lions was lurking nearby. The sharp eyes of the predators quickly discovered the young prey. Without hesitation, the pride of lions rushed forward, surrounded the little hippo, and began a brutal attack.

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The roars of the lions echoed as they rushed in, tearing the hippo’s body apart. Painful and helpless, the baby hippo could only scream in despair. All efforts to resist were futile before the power of the predators. But the group of hippos in the water heard the miserable cry for help and immediately rushed to the shore.

Two adult hippos quickly stood in front of the baby hippo, forming a living wall to protect it. But the pride of lions, with their bottomless greed, refused to give up the delicious meal. They growled, their eyes bulging, determined to drag their prey back.

The baby hippo was weak, its breathing was getting labored. Finally, despite their efforts, the herd had to return to the water. The poor baby hippo had become a bloody feast under the claws of the cruel lions on the riverbank.