Spotted pythons hunt Indian porcupines, taking the pain, they still refuse to let go of their prey

Blinded by hunger, the brocade python approached and attacked the Indian hedgehog to eat but the prey was not easy to eat. The intense battle for survival only ends when humans intervene.
The python in the video was blinded by hunger, but knew it couldn’t do anything but still tried to attack the hedgehog. On the contrary, the hairy porcupine was initially determined to fight back against the large python, which raised thorns on its back and hit the snake hard on the head.

The porcupine’s blows caused the python to be in pain and dizzy, but the predator was still stubborn and did not let go of the prey. The hedgehog had lost a lot of spikes in the previous battles, so it was difficult to chase the big python, so he had to run away. The python chased after the hedgehog, driving the opponent into the dead end, even though it could not attack, it still scared the prey.

The chase only ended when people discovered and chased the python away, freeing the hedgehog.