Seeing that the honey badger did not satisfy his eyes, the antelope gave it a high flight to the sky

The oryx repeatedly used its horns to launch the honey badger into the air because it was unable to handle its own affairs.

While on a photo safari in Etosha National Park, Dirk Theron recorded this unusual and thrilling sighting.

These animals are aggressive and quick to attack anything that stands in their way. The behavior that was seen above is actually rather common, however this Badger narrowly escaped because the Oryx (Antelope) might have easily impaled it.

“This Badger would just charge straight at the Oryx, and the Oryx would headbutt the Badger into the ground. He simply stepped back, caught the Badger in the middle of its horns, and threw him into the air. When it originally happened, I though the Badger was dead, but it simply got up and kept charging. The Oryx eventually gave up and simply went away.