Seeing that his accomplices caught mountain goats too easily, the eagle also followed, but had to suffer the consequences for choosing too large prey

Eagles usually prey on small and medium sized rodents, but sometimes they also hunt mountain goats. A video that went viral on social media recently captured the great eagles hunting mountain goats.

An eagle can be seen very neatly handling a young mountain goat. With just one dive, the mountain goat gets a free “ticket” to fly, and the eagle promises a hearty meal.

The hunt went so smoothly that another of its kind immediately launched a follow up hunt to capture the mountain goat. But the second eagle started a series of tragedies in a row.

It chose too large a prey, a mountain goat that had grown horns. That means at least the mountain goat must weigh about 10kg. This amount of weight exceeds the weight an eagle can carry.

Unable to spare his prey plus the fact that the claws were pinned to the prey, the second eagle had to suffer unpredictable consequences. It was dragged by the mountain goat, struggled, plunged down the mountain, and hit the rock.

Finally, the fierce struggle of the mountain goat caused the eagle to fall to the ground. The mountain goat hastily escaped, leaving the eagle lying bewildered after the reluctant journey of “falling the pass”.