Not long after being born, the wildebeest fell into the sights of a male lion and ended the short life of its newborn prey.

After more than 3 hours of hard work, the mother wildebeest finally gave birth to a healthy wildebeest baby. After nearly a year in the womb, the baby wildebeest has fully grown and it takes less than a few hours for it to be able to run and jump.

But the day she was born was also the saddest day of her life.
With just one swoop, the male lion ended the wildebeest’s brief time with the sun. The lion approached, every movement was very professional and cautious, the wildebeest was still not aware of the impending death. With flying speed, the lion rushed to grab the throat of the wildebeest.

The wildebeest cubs were in pain, struggling earnestly for life, but all efforts were in vain because the lion also needed to fill its stomach first. Then the lion and the fresh finished product left.
Wild nature is always so fierce, the weak, if there is no solidarity or agility, it is easy to become prey for powerful species.