Not caring about danger, the mother leopard chased away the lion king 3 times bigger to protect her baby

As a speed enthusiast, of course the cheetah is a monument that the photographer has long admired. The opportunity to admire the idol right in front of his eyes, it is easy for this guy to ignore. Therefore, the photographer decided to stop to make a series of photos of the newspaper family.

Suddenly, from among the bushes nearby, a male lion with an extremely majestic appearance stepped out.

The king of the jungle – the lord of the beasts seems to be patrolling the territory. On the way to work, the male lion discovered a herd of leopards.

Immediately, with his extremely sharp killer instinct, the lion took the initiative to charge forward, attacking the intruders first. At first, under too much pressure from the lion, the mother leopard was scared and ran away.
To ensure the safety of the whole herd, the mother leopard returned and followed her young children