Mother birds forever lose their children just because they leave the nest to look for food for just one minute before a cold blooded, greedy predator

A large poisonous snake, when the parent bird left the nest, came in to eat the baby bird, by the time the mother bird returned, it was too late.

The short video begins with the snake climbing up a tree, reaching out to the bird’s nest. The snake deftly pulled out a young bird, while the young struggled desperately to find a way to escape.

The snake then brought the young bird to the ground, repeatedly biting its neck until it died. After that, the mother bird returned to the nest, panicking to find the baby bird.

It discovered that its child was being eaten by a poisonous snake and immediately launched a counter attack.

The snake almost swallowed the baby bird, although the mother bird was very brave when she risked her life to attack the predator, hoping to get the baby back.

Unlike the python, the snake did not vomit the spoils, but managed to escape with the prey in its stomach. It is unclear if the mother bird will be able to avenge her chicks, as the video also closes shortly after.

Birds often prevail in encounters with snakes. But it can also lose its life to venomous snakes, because a single hit from the snake can paralyze the bird.