Mother bear sent lion to hell for daring to attack her 3 year old fetus

The cougar (Puma) is a large cat in the Cat family distributed in North America, Central America and South America, they are an extremely aggressive and powerful predator. They can consume tens of kilograms of meat a day and are especially capable of attacking and killing animals larger than themselves.

Black bear mother and daughter are playing together on a lawn, they do not pay attention to the Puma leopard stalking, close to the mother and daughter’s position and wait for the opportunity to attack.

The Puma leopard immediately rushed to attack the cub while it was far from the mother bear’s position, but the cub was not afraid, it used its sharp claws to counter attacks from the Puma leopard.

At the same time, the mother bear promptly discovered that she rushed to attack the Puma leopard, the fight was very tense, the mother and daughter had to use all their strength and intelligence to resist the blows. Fast and powerful attack from the cougar.

Puma leopard suffered many painful blows from the mother bear, had to run away to save her life, and the mother and daughter were also slightly injured but still luckier than the cougar and drove the cougar from their area.

The solidarity and strength of the mother and the bear helped them win this tough battle for survival.