Mad buffalo uses its sharp horns to kill a leopard to rescue a baby buffalo from the clutches of death

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Two majestic African buffaloes slowly entered the quiet lake. Hiding in the shade, the leopard quietly stalked. Its eyes were tense, each step was light but full of calculation, hoping to win a sumptuous feast. But when faced with the huge monsters in front of it, the leopard suddenly hesitated. It did not dare to rush in, just sat quietly on the bank, its eyes still not leaving the pair of buffaloes.

Buffalo vs Leopard - YouTube

However, the buffaloes were not afraid at all. They calmly approached, as if the presence of predators was not worth worrying about. Despite being “provoked”, the leopard was still restrained by the fear of fierce counterattacks from its giant horns. Finally, realizing that danger outweighed opportunity, it chose to retreat quietly, leaving its dream of a feast in failure.

Motherly Love! Brave Mother Buffalo Knocks Down Evil Leopard When He Dared  To Attacks Her Calf. - YouTube

Leopards – notorious big cat species (Panthera) living in Africa and Asia. Although smaller in size than lions, with a length of 1 to nearly 2 meters and a weight of about 30-90 kg, it is no less fearsome. The body of the leopard is perfectly designed for speed and flexibility. With the ability to reach a speed of 120 km/h, a stride of up to 8m, the leopard can accelerate like lightning, reaching 95 km/h in just 4 steps.

These outstanding advantages have turned the leopard into one of Africa’s leading hunting and conservation symbols.