Lynx desperately struggles to find a way to survive in the jaws of a leopard

The moment of the clash between a leopard and a lynx was recorded by a tourist at the Masai Mara Nature Reserve, Kenya. Although the author of the clip called the content of his video a “clash”, in reality, the leopard was completely superior in terms of both size and strength compared to the lynx.

The clip shows the moment when a leopard silently approaches a lynx. When the distance between the two animals is close enough, the leopard rushes out to grab its prey.

Leopard Shows No Mercy While Hunting Serval

The lynx has a speed that is completely superior to the leopard, as they can run at a maximum speed of 80km/h. Therefore, the leopard must silently approach the lynx at a close enough distance to be able to rush out to attack its prey, otherwise it can be easily left behind by the lynx in the speed race.

The sudden appearance of the leopard makes the lynx unable to react in time, so it is completely passive.

Leopard Shows No Mercy While Hunting Serval

The lynx tried to run away, but it was too late, as the leopard had its neck firmly bitten by it. The lynx struggled in pain to escape its predator, but it was eventually forced to surrender to the leopard’s powerful jaws.