I thought it was delicious to eat a meal of porcupine meat, the python hit all the thorns on his body

The hedgehog was in a difficult situation when it was attacked by the python, but it refused to give up. Instead, the hedgehog uses stiff, pointed feathers at the right time to deal with the opponent.

The python slithered towards the opponent to attack, but immediately the porcupine turned its back, pointing out its sharp spikes, making the opponent flinch.

The hedgehog then threw its spiked tail at the python in response. In the end, the python had to leave.

Sudha Ramen emphasized the lesson learned from the video with the accompanying note: “Know your strength and use it at the right time. This hedgehog did just that. The hedgehog can fight anyone. Let’s hunt. The video is worth learning”.

The body of a hedgehog is covered with sharp feathers they use for “self-defense”. These feathers can pierce the python’s digestive tract and kill the predator. When old hair falls out, new hair grows. According to Latestly, the North American porcupine has about 30,000 hairs on its body.