I thought I could eat buffalo meat, but I didn’t expect the leopard to be gored into the air by a wild buffalo

The African buffalo is one of the largest herbivores. Therefore, they are often hunted by carnivores such as lions, leopards, hyenas, etc., with the reward for the winner being a hearty meal.

However, wild buffalo are still especially dangerous because they are very strong and often move in herds. This makes the hunter sometimes encounter awkward situations, and even life-threatening if he dares to take risks.

It can be seen that the buffalo herd was not afraid when facing the leopards. On the contrary, they are ready to rush in, causing the leopards to not be able to deploy the battle, and have to temporarily flee.

An immature leopard, due to its haste, chose to jump onto a nearby tree trunk. However, the trunk of this tree has a canopy that is too low, making the animal look like it is trapped by hundreds of aggressive wild buffaloes around.

For many hours, the buffaloes closed the encirclement and prevented the leopard from escaping. They continuously use their snouts and horns in the hope of knocking the leopard down.

But after an unsuccessful siege, the buffalo herd began to disperse and became distracted. Not missing an opportunity, the trapped lion quickly escaped to safety, and ran towards its herd.

Usually, it takes many leopards to work together to knock down an adult buffalo. But in the opposite direction, buffalo is also a very united species, when always “depending on each other to live”.

We often encounter wild buffalo actively moving in herds up to dozens, even hundreds of individuals. This is both an effective way of feeding, and also an effective weapon against predators in the wild.