Hyena fights fiercely to take down the giant hippo

In the wild, anything can happen in the most unexpected way. People love the wild world because it always brings surprises and lots of emotions.

A huge hippo is always a monument that predators want to destroy, but with hyenas it is too difficult and dangerous.

In a viral battle on Youtube, the hyenas managed to take down an adult hippo and finally it was able to enjoy the most epic meal of its life.

The hyena is said to have been trying to hunt this hippo for days, after the hippo was exhausted and resting on a small puddle when the hyenas were trying to finish off the large prey.

The hippopotamus tries to hide its tail in the water and not let the hyenas attack. But the hyenas still had a way to take down the hippo, the hyenas began to bite the hippo’s ear causing the hippo to cry out in pain.

The hyenas work together to attack the hippo’s head and tail, and after many days of trying, the hyena can finally enjoy a huge meal of hippo meat.

The video is just a small clip of the battle, but it has attracted the special attention of the audience with more than 4m views along with 3k comments.