Elephant becomes crazy superhero crush 2 bloodthirsty hyenas rescue injured old lion from death

The lion is still considered the “lord of the grasslands” because of his majesty and superior strength compared to other animals living in the savanna. Lions are always in the position of predators, making other animals afraid.

However, if traveling alone or injured, the lion will not have enough strength and easily become the target of the cunning and wise hyenas.

The clip, taken by tourist Morne du Plessis, 47, in Kruger National Park (South Africa), shows the moment a young male lion is limping because of an injury.

Realizing that this lion was traveling alone and was injured, the two hyenas followed closely to find an opportunity to attack and turn the “lord of the steppe” into a meal.

Being immature, alone and wounded, the lion certainly couldn’t resist the two hyenas that charged at the same time.

Thought it could be a delicious lunch, suddenly an elephant rushed out from the bush, roared menacingly and headed straight for the two hyenas, chasing them away from the injured lion.

In the end, the lion also escaped a life and really thank the elephant for appearing in time to rescue it from death.