Despite possessing deadly venom, when encountering the protective armor of the hedgehog, the snake also had to cut its tail and run away because it was too painful.

The Hedgehog can attack, injure, and then approach and bite the snake’s neck. But if bitten by a snake in the snout, where there is no protective armor, the hedgehog can also die.

In this battle, the hedgehog Hedgehog took advantage of the 1-0-2 armor to make the snake take a lot of pain and make the poisonous snake’s weapon unable to work. In the end, the poisonous snake had to hang up its tail and run away.

Normally, snakes and pythons do not dare to attack and eat hedgehogs because if they can kill the hedgehog with venom, swallowing the prey can cause them to die because of hundreds of sharp thorns. Perhaps, because he was so hungry, this poisonous snake risked his life to attack the hedgehog to get himself a meal.