Despite attacks from 17 lions, the porcupine persisted until the crowd of predators gave up and gave up.

In the video, the lions are constantly approaching but immediately have to back away after the porcupine repeatedly ruffles its feathers. One lion in the herd had to stop to remove the porcupine spikes from its paw and lick the wound before running away.

Its comrades then also leave when unable to subdue their prey.

It is quite common for a lion to encounter such a hedgehog and hedgehog. Sometimes the lions will succeed, but the hedgehog is not a favorite because it takes a long time to subdue.

The crested porcupine often ruffles its feathers so that its body swells so that the enemy has to dodge. If ineffective, it will launch the predator’s sharp feathers. When the porcupine’s feathers penetrate the body, the sharp spikes at the tip of the feather will penetrate deeply, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. This defense is extremely effective, able to kill aggressive predators such as lions and leopards.