Careless cheetah was killed by “neighbors” while resting under a tree

A battle where the absolute advantage is in favor of the lion, the cheetah, even though it possesses super-fast speed, has to… bind its legs to die.

Two cheetahs were about to go to the tree to lie down and take a hot picture when unfortunately a lioness nearby saw it. It watched quietly and slowly approached with familiar hunting skill, but all were spotted by one of the leopards.

Does the cheetah escape the lion thanks to its super speed?

If in a speed fight, lions or any other large carnivores have to inhale the smoke of leopard because of their superior speed of up to 80 – 120 km/h, then in the battle of muscles, cheetahs even even lose to hyenas or leopards. In order to possess the best running ability in the animal world, cheetahs evolved their biological body structure to become slim, slender, with a small head, long legs and tall height. However, in return cheetahs are cats that are not strong in fights.

The head is small, compact, the muzzle is short to increase the speed when running, making the jaws weak and the teeth small, the claws do not fully retract to create thrust and agility, but it also means losing the weapon. that all other cats possess. Returning to the situation of the pair of leopards above, although one of them discovered the “neighbor” lioness prowling from afar, the other one did not have any precautions, the tree stump Disappearance is also one of the reasons why cheetahs do not see lions approaching.

In the blink of an eye, the lion caught the cheetah and the advantage of physical strength and strength was shown absolutely, the cheetah had a chance to escape but the lion caught it and bit it hard on the throat and kills the cheetah the way it usually kills its prey.