Aghast!!! Wild dogs tear the antelope meat while the prey is still alive

Unlike the lone leopard, jackals, cousins of wild dogs, lead a more sociable life. Every day jackals go in search of a fresh meal. They are also extremely cunning and adaptable.

A newborn antelope is defenseless, becoming a delicious prey for a pack of wild dogs. The antelopes are eating grass but do not know that the wild dogs are lurking behind.

By working together, the task can become easier than ever. They began to approach the antelope herd. A wild dog rushed to the baby antelope. Others attack the mother antelope.

When she saw the baby antelope being attacked, the mother antelope ran to chase the wild dog away. But the mother antelope alone cannot fight that pack of wild dogs.

It was attacked by a pack of wild dogs, which bit the antelope’s legs, making it unable to run and began to be pinned to the ground by the predator.

The last gazelle becomes the wild dog’s dinner.