African wild boar goes mad, risking death to hunt leopards

The clip of about 1 minute takes viewers to the wilderness of southern Africa, where leopards are almost one of the most feared predators because of their cunning, toughness and extremely cunning.

Not only has the toughness, the leopard also has a more developed alertness than the tiger, the ability to camouflage and hide more skillfully than the lion. In the hunter world often joked that if a leopard was the size of a lion it would be 10 times more dangerous than a lion and if a leopard wanted to kill you, you would ” died before he even fell to the ground.”

The leopard in the clip is not in a hurry, but carefully watches the humped herd. Suddenly, in an unnoticed moment, when the distance between the two sides was very close, the leopard accelerated and rushed into the pigs. Too suddenly, the mother pig instinctively rushed to the side. It was this that created a deadly gap, enough for the leopard to capture one of its cubs.

Despite being an omnivore, the humpback pig was never a weak animal. With its sharp fangs, boars can be used to defend against ferocious predators as well as attack other smaller animals.

The mother pig, after settling down, used all her strength to chase the leopard. However, measuring the speed of cheetahs is extremely wrong. Even then, the leopard climbed to a nearby treetop to officially end the chase.