A very bold decision of the wild boar family to rush in to rob and eat leopard food

We observed the cheetah for a time as it sat close to the food, scanning the area to make sure it was safe to eat before doing so. A family of warthogs began to approach and inched ever-closer to the impala at that moment.

The fact that the cheetah did not even try to defend the meal after the warthogs got close to it and instead strolled away, handing the impala over to the warthogs, was even more shocking than witnessing warthogs at an impala capture.

It was surprising to see a warthog really consume meat since we’ve typically seen them munching on vegetation. We found it really odd that the cheetah did not defend or fight for its meal.

“Neither did we know that warthogs consume flesh off a carcass, nor have we ever observed a warthog doing this! The cheetah left the kill when the sighting came to an end, strolling beside the road and sitting on a signpost before disappearing into the underbrush.